State Level - Planning

Who should lead?

Once the math task force is established, the task force chairs lead the process. The lead agency plays a critical role in facilitating and supporting the faculty leaders. The DCMP Math Task Force Toolkitview full resourceView Full ResourceDownloadFile outlines a process that many states have found useful and provides tools to facilitate the process.

What does it take?

The math task force is very different from many other faculty leadership groups. It is important for the members of the task force to understand that they play a dual role: they contribute their personal expertise to the process, and they serve as the primary liaison between the math task force and faculty at their own and other institutions. Also, they should understand that the work will likely span several years. Guidance on establishing roles and responsibilities and communicating time commitments is provided in the DCMP Math Task Force Toolkitview full resourceView Full ResourceDownloadFile.


Avoid pitfalls

There is often a tendency for task force members to want to jump to solutions before coming to a clear understanding of the problems to be solved and the issues related to those problems. We encourage state teams to invest adequate time with the task force members to build a common understanding of the state's problems, drivers, and challenges.

4 Suggested Steps and Resources:

  • Step 1

    Math Task Force convenes.

  • Step 2

    Math Task Force reviews data, defines the problem, and identifies solutions.

  • Step 3

    Math Task Force defines the vision and makes recommendations for math pathways.

  • Step 4

    Math Task Force creates an implementation plan that includes: actions to support implementation at institutions; communications and engagement; and evaluation.

DCMP Math Task Force Toolkit

  • Phase 2 Action Plan and Timeline (Coming soon)
  • Guidance for Implementation Plans (Coming soon)